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Collection of models submitted to PLaSMo by Andrew Millar and automatically transferred to FAIRDOM Hub.

Submitter: BioData SynthSys

Studies: Arabidopsis clock model P2011, graphical diagram - PLM_1045, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.3.1 - PLM_1041, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.4.1 - PLM_1042, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.5.1 - PLM_1043, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.6.1 - PLM_1044, Arabidopsis clock models P2011.1.2 and P2011.2.1 - PLM_71, Arabidopsis_clock_P2011 - PLM_64, Arabidopsis_clock_P2012 - PLM_70, At_Pokh2011_LD_degr_Op1Ap3.xml - PLM_67, At_Pokh2011v6_plasmo_ltdParams.xml - PLM_68, AuxSim - PLM_27, AuxSim full - PLM_30, DomijanTS_AtClock2011 - PLM_50, Locke2005_CircadianClock_tanh - PLM_8, Locke2006_CircadianClock_tanh - PLM_10, OK MEP pathway 2013 - PLM_72, P2012_AJMv2_NoABA - PLM_69, Salazar2009_FloweringPhotoperiod - PLM_9, Sorokina2011_Ostreo_starch - PLM_44, Wilczek photothermal Science - PLM_48

Assays: Arabidopsis clock model P2011, graphical diagram - PLM_1045, version 1, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.1.2 - PLM_71, version 1, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.2.1 - PLM_71, version 2, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.3.1 - PLM_1041, version 1, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.4.1 - PLM_1042, version 1, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.5.1 - PLM_1043, version 1, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.6.1 - PLM_1044, version 1, Arabidopsis_clock_P2011 - PLM_64, version 1, Arabidopsis_clock_P2011 - PLM_64, version 2, Arabidopsis_clock_P2011 - PLM_64, version 3, Arabidopsis_clock_P2011 - PLM_64, version 4, Arabidopsis_clock_P2012 - PLM_70, version 1, Arabidopsis_clock_P2012 - PLM_70, version 2, At_Pokh2011_LD_degr_Op1Ap3.xml - PLM_67, version 1, At_Pokh2011_LD_degr_Op1Ap3.xml - PLM_67, version 2, At_Pokh2011_LD_degr_Op1Ap3.xml - PLM_67, version 3, At_Pokh2011_LD_degr_Op1Ap3.xml - PLM_67, version 4, At_Pokh2011_LD_degr_Op1Ap3.xml - PLM_67, version 5, At_Pokh2011_LD_degr_Op1Ap3.xml - PLM_67, version 6, At_Pokh2011v6_plasmo_ltdParams.xml - PLM_68, version 1, AuxSim - PLM_27, version 1, AuxSim full - PLM_30, version 1, DomijanTS_AtClock2011 - PLM_50, version 1, DomijanTS_AtClock2011 - PLM_50, version 2, Locke2005_CircadianClock_tanh - PLM_8, version 1, Locke2006_CircadianClock_tanh - PLM_10, version 1, OK MEP pathway 2013 - PLM_72, version 1, P2012_AJMv2_NoABA - PLM_69, version 1, P2012_AJMv2_NoABA - PLM_69, version 2, Salazar2009_FloweringPhotoperiod - PLM_9, version 1, Salazar2009_FloweringPhotoperiod - PLM_9, version 2, Sorokina2011_Ostreo_starch - PLM_44, version 1, Wilczek photothermal Science - PLM_48, version 1, Wilczek photothermal Science - PLM_48, version 2

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