Data files

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43 Data files visible to you, out of a total of 84

Umbrella study for all RNAseq rawdata Separate projects can be accessed under "component projects"

Overview of the quality control for the RNAseq short read data after quality filtering of the reads

Overview for quality control of mapping statistics, after mapping processed reads to reference genomes

Repository for code used in data analysis (mainly for RNAseq) and for generating summary tables and overviews.

Files for the reference genomes utilized in the analysis are summarised in this repository.

Overivew of RNAseq and proteomics samples with respective accessions to access the raw data on ENA or PRIDE respectively.

Pride project for raw and search data for AXX-Cn samples: LNU-AXX-Si00-CnB-P-B6ST-Pr_180min LNU-AXX-Si00-CnB-P-B7ST-Pr_180min LNU-AXX-Si00-CnB-P-B8ST-Pr_180min

Raw proteomics data for L. ferriphilum planktonic samples

Raw proteomics data for S. thermosulfidooxidans samples

Creator: Malte Herold

Submitter: Malte Herold

Raw data for tertiary mixture, planktonic cells, proteomics

Creator: Malte Herold

Submitter: Malte Herold

Raw data for , Ac + St or Lf + St planktonic cells from leaching experiments

Creator: Malte Herold

Submitter: Malte Herold

Raw proteomics data for St + Ac planktonic cells

Creator: Malte Herold

Submitter: Malte Herold

Raw data for Ac + St leaching experiments proteomics data, with Ac 10x inoculum sizing

Creator: Malte Herold

Submitter: Malte Herold

Raw data for Ac+St planktonic cells, leaching experiments with St 10x incoulum sizing

Creator: Malte Herold

Submitter: Malte Herold

Parameters used in maxQuant analysis

Overview of the quality control for the RNAseq short read data before quality filtering of the reads

Raw data for mixed culture biofilm proteomics

Samples: UDE-SAL8-7O-M-B-Pr-2 UDE-SAL8-7O-M-B-Pr UDE-SAL7-Pc20-7M-P-B-Pr_2uL UDE-SAL7-A7-M-B-Pr UDE-SAL7-7C-M-B-Pr UDE-SAL7-7A-M-B-Pr

Microscopy images of A.Caldus (A), L.ferriphilum (L), S.thermosulfidooxidans (S) biofilms on chalcopyrite particles. (individual,e.g. SXX or mixed, e.g. SAL, cultures)

Timepoints: Day1, Day3, Day7, Day14, Day21

Raw data for mixed cultures of S. thermosulfidooxidans and L.ferriphilum

Raw data for L.ferriphilum biofilm proteomics data

TPM counts for protein coding genes, alongside functional annotations

LFQ intensities derived from proteomics measurements

Source code for running simulations

Information for RNA and protein samples and cultures they were derived from.

Images used for training and validation of deep learning algorithm to determine biofilm composition of mixed species biofilms on mineral grains

Filtering of data in Perseus and t-test between conditions Perseus save file

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