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This file contains Violin plots for mitochondrial gene transcripts (%mtRNA), cardiac marker (Tnnt2), and pace-maker marker (Hcn4) for identified cell clusters in iSABS and sinoatrial node region (results obtained from a data reanalysis of Goodyer et al.).

This file contains several Scatter plots illustrating the correlation of %mtDNA and (a) Tnnt2 (b) Hcn4 (c) total number of gene transcripts per cell In Tnnt2 positive cells and (d) total number of gene transcripts per cell In Hcn4 positive cells.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

wir laden Sie herzlich zum unseren 2. Statusmeeting des Forschungsverbundes iRhythmicsein, welches Live via **Webex **Anbieter am 10.06.2021 übertragen wird. Anbei finden Sie den Flyer mit dem gesamten Programm.

Informationen zum Konsortium erfahren Sie unter:

Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an die Projektmanegerin via Somit werden Ihnen die Zugangsdaten für die Webex ...

Creator: Anna Skorska

Submitter: Anna Skorska

Graphical abstract for the manuscript "Quality control in scRNA-Seq can discriminate pacemaker cells – the mtDNA bias" by Anne-Marie Galow#, Sophie Kussauer, Markus Wolfien, Robert David*, and Andreas Hoeflich#*

This file contains a UMAP plot generated for the Goodyer dataset illustrating the various cell populations and their proportions as well as the original t-SNE plot of the respective data published by Goodyer et al. in 2019 (doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.118.314578).

This file contains a UMAP plot for the iSABs dataset illustrating the various cell populations and their proportions.

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A CellProfiler pipeline for 3D analysis of cardiomyocytes

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

mit diesem Informationsflyer erfahren Sie mehr über das iRhythmics Projekt unseres Konsortiums.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Anna Skorska Projektmanagerin iRhythmics

Creator: Anna Skorska

Submitter: Markus Wolfien

This file contains a detailed description of the underlying experimental procedure and the computational analysis.

This PDF contains a dotplot indicating the gene expression of the top 100 markers (where applicable) for each of the identified 23 clusters.

Creator: Markus Wolfien

Submitter: Markus Wolfien

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